With the development of China's economic reconstruction, China's laws on tort will be further perfected. 随着经济建设的发展,中国在侵权方面的法律将得到进一步完善。
The Economic Analysis of Compensation for Damage of the Environmental Pollution Tort 对环境污染侵权行为损害赔偿的经济学分析
Mr Perry recites a four-point recipe for economic stewardship: low taxes," fair and predictable "regulation, tort reform, and" don't spend all the money. "He inherited. 裴瑞给经济管理列了四点秘诀:较低税收,“公平并可预见的”监管体系,侵权法改革以及开支结余。
According to the traditional theory of civil law, pure economic loss should be regulated in the contract law. In fact it is not very suit for contract law to regulate this kind of loss and it is prone to put pure economic loss under the tort law. 依传统民法观点,经济损失应当由合同法调整,然而合同法对纯粹经济损失的救济是非常有限的,因此更倾向于将纯粹经济损失纳入侵权行为法的保护中来。
The law of unjustified enrichment deals with the economic transferring without legal justification, assuming its equal footing to the law of contract and the law of tort. 不当得利旨在调整无法律上原因而发生的财产变动,与合同、侵权鼎足而立,是民法的基本制度。
On the Economic Analysis of Tort Law 论侵权法的经济分析
Against the defects in the status quo of economic analysis such as the external functionalism, the singleness of value pursuits, and the interpretation with theory, this article prescribes an internal, plural and practical remedy to conduct the economic analysis on tort law. 在此基础上,针对我国现有经济分析中的外在机能主义、单一的价值目标、理论的解释的缺陷,提出要内在的、多元化的、实践的对侵权法进行解释的主张。
Compensation for purely economic loss should be based on tort liability according to the principle of protecting consumer's interest. 本着维护消费者利益和顺应法律发展趋势的原则,应以侵权责任为依据,使纯粹经济上损失得以赔偿。
Pure economic loss covers two main areas: contract and tort. 纯经济性损失同时涉及侵权和合同法领域。
With the economic development, especially with the rapidly large-scale development of industrialization and urbanization, environmental tort and relevant civil responsibilities and relieves because of environmental pollution and ecological destruction has become a great social problem the mankind facing. 随着经济的发展,特别是工业化和城市化的大规模迅速发展,由环境污染和生态破坏所造成的环境侵权、及其相应的民事责任和救济已经成为当今人类所面临的一大社会问题。
The economic development makes the relation of production and consumption more complicated. The 1916 "McPherson v. Buick Motor Company" case make the gradual establishment of the principle of fault liability; also make the product responsibility belong to the scope of tort. 经济发展使生产与消费的关系变得复杂,1916年麦克弗森诉别克汽车公司案使过错责任原则开始确立,也使产品责任归属到了侵权行为范畴。
Because patents can bring considerable economic benefits, it is easy to become the object of tort. Damages is a legal sanction for a violation of the law, Infringement of property rights or Personal rights. 由于专利权能够带来可观的经济利益,很容易成为侵权的客体。
The third part, put forward corresponding measures and suggestions in the aspects of legal, administrative, economic and social systems based on the analysis of the reason for difficulties in rural environment tort remedy. 第三部分,在对农村环境侵权现状原因分析的基础上从法律、行政、经济和社会制度方面提出改善中国农村环境侵权现状的针对性措施与建议。
The pure economic loss is one of the most attracted legal interest, and is one of the most disputable problems in the field of tort law. 在这些法益中,尤以纯粹经济损失受到最多的关注,纯粹经济损失也是侵权法领域近年来争议最大的问题之一。
Pure economic loss is between tort and contract law, a frontier between the subject. It is the traditional major revision of civil compensation system, for the full protection of the economic interests of the civil subject of great significance. 纯经济损失是介于侵权法和合同法之间的一个前沿课题,它是对传统民事赔偿制度的重大修正,对于充分保障民事主体的经济利益具有重要意义。
Among them, administrative coercive is the only one which can play role through the whole process of market economic activities. With mandatory, real-time and tort characteristics, the setting, subject and range of administrative coercive must be strictly limited and regulated. 三者之中,行政强制是唯一可以作用于市场主体经济活动全过程的行政行为,具有强制性、即时性、侵权性的特点,其设定、主体、范围都受到严格限制和规范。
Era of rapid development of market economy, the level of human life with the economic development and improved., Then more and more frequent contact with people living and working in the occurrence of the tort is inevitable. 在市场经济飞速发展的时代,人类的生活水平也不断随着经济的发展而提高。,继而人们在生活与工作中的接触越来越频繁,侵权损害的发生是不可避免的。
False statements as a kind of special tort, infringe upon the rights of investors, leading investors economic loss, so need by offender assume tort civil liability. 虚假陈述作为一种特殊侵权行为,侵害了投资者的财产权,导致投资者的经济损失,所以需由行为人承担侵权民事责任。
This chapter reflects on the study on tort legislation of China and points out that the economic analysis of medical tort is helpful to bridge the gulf between law science community and medical community. 在这一章中,首先对我国现有的侵权立法和研究进行了反思,指明对医疗侵权进行经济分析有助于弥合法学界、医学界的分歧,具有理论和实践意义。
This section by analyzing the characteristics of the era of the Song Dynasty of economic, political, ideological and cultural aspects of draw the tort system in the Song Dynasty developed. 本部分通过分析宋代经济、政治、思想文化方面的时代特性,得出宋代民事侵权制度发达的原因。
The best example is the pure economic loss and claims the two recognized not of the rights and interests of the inherent interest will also be included in the scope of protection of tort law. 最好的例证是纯经济损失和债权这两个公认不属固有利益的权益也纳入了侵权法的保护范围。
Balancing the economic and industrial development and the protection of the right to personal information, the conditions and consequences of tort of right to personal information carefully concluded upon the common rules set forth by classic theories in tort law. 在平衡产业经济发展和个人信息权利保护的基础上,根据侵权制度和责任理论,可以相应明确个人信息的侵权构成要件和责任制度。
No-fault liability principle is a special imputation principle under the conditions of modern economic development of tort law, is a supplement of traditional fault liability. 无过错责任原则是现代化经济发展条件下侵权法的一项特殊归责原则,是传统过错责任原则的一种补充。
Based on balancing schools, students and the tripartite interest of the insurer, this paper tells that the principles of insurance benefits require that tort liability insurance should follow legal and economic model and the damages principle should combine tort damages and insurance claims for damage compensation. 基于平衡学校、学生和保险人三方利益的考虑,本文提出侵权责任保险应遵循法律性与经济性相融合的保险利益原则和侵权赔偿与保险赔偿相融合的损害补偿原则。
Because there is not sufficient attention to the concept of the pure economic loss in the theory of tort law of our country, the relief to the pure economic loss is not certainly full. 由于我国传统侵权行为法理论对纯粹经济损失这一概念关注较少,我国纯粹经济损失的救济措施并不充分。